Saturday, September 26, 2015

INTERVIEW: Beyond the Noise Crowd Ghetto: The Birth and Death of Justice Yeldham

An interview with one of Australia's favourite art-noise visionaries and most famous sheet-glass player, Lucas Abela, on the beginnings and endings of his alter-ego Justice Yeldham.  Written for Heathen Harvest, and gently edited by Sage Weatherford.

"It would be more like a vindication to all the naysayers out there who think the glass is a shtick... Personally, I believe that everyone can bring something different to an instrument, so why not the glass?  I very much look forward to seeing Kanye jam that shit one day."

Beyond the Noise Crowd Ghetto: The Birth and Death of Justice Yeldham

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

REVIEW: Ak’Chamel, The Giver of Illness – My Form Has Been Extinguished

The most difficult review I have ever written.  Because I love this band so so much, and I liked their VHS cassette so very very little.  Written for Heathen Harvest, and barely edited by Sage Weatherford.

"In my heart of hearts, I honestly believe that this is just a collection of cool footage that was combined to look mysterious, without any real greater agenda than that: to seem cool and weird, and maybe trip someone out a little, as something for the eyes to do while the ears digest the music—music which, I insist, is still incredible."

Ak’Chamel, The Giver of Illness – My Form Has Been Extinguished