Sunday, March 25, 2018

REVIEW: The Cray Twins - The Pier

If you dig distorted field recordings (and who doesn't?), this may be the project for you. Review written for the staunchly diverse Heathen Harvest, and lovingly edited by the sleep-deprived Sage Weatherford.

"Honestly, it’s hard to go wrong with a combination of dark-ambient drones and field-recording textures ... and the Cray Twins do everything right on this release. There’s a great sense of restraint here, with everything given the room it requires for maximum evocation, and there’s never too much going on at once. It’s full when it needs to be full, but it’s empty when that’s what it needs; when focus is required to notice the textures in their fullest detail; when the ear zooms in like some kind of aural microscope to properly sense the small changes in tone or grain that the Cray Twins want us to appreciate. Like they say in the press release, ‘we make instruments out of the landscape’. But it’s not like this is all tiny sounds and minimal ‘sound art’ stuff:  The Cray Twins also know when to crush us beneath the weight of distortion."

Read the full review here!

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